Leukaemia and birth defect babies in Iraq

The real casualties of war…

Dear Kitty. Some blog

Baby born in Iraq with birth deformities (Photo credit: Karen Robinson)

From daily News Line in Britain:

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Huge increase in leukaemia and birth defects in Iraq

THE use of depleted uranium in Iraq by the US and UK military has led to a huge increase in leukemia and birth defects in the cities of Najaf, Fallujah and Basra, according to reports from the Norwegian government and a Dutch report.

The city of Najaf saw one of the most severe military actions during the 2003 imperialist invasion.

Every residential street in several neighbourhoods has seen multiple cases of families whose children are either suffering from cancer or whose children have died from it.

This video says about itself:

23 July 2013

The US military’s use of depleted uranium in Iraq has led to a sharp increase in leukemia and birth defects in the city of Najaf — and panicked residents are fearing for their health. Cancer is…

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